Casting Lesson
I was fortunate enough to spend a month visiting my daughter in Gold Coast, Australia. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you know that it was packed full of...
Sign Up for our Newsletter
Want to stay informed with what's happening at Fly Fish Arizona and Beyond? Sign up for our newsletter. You will be the first to know about upcoming fly fishing...
Still Water Fishing in Arizona’s White Mountains
I asked Coach Mac on the Fly to write a post on Stillwater fishing. It is no secret that he is passionate about lake fishing and loves guiding on them. You can find him...
Things to do to Catch More Fish
I recently posted a comment where someone said they couldn't figure out how to catch fish and he was asking what fly he should be using. My answer was, "It doesn't...
White Mountain Group Trip 2025
White Mountain Fly Fishing Trip The first trip filled up so we've added a second. Dates:Sunday, June 1st- Wednesday,June 4th. Dates:Thursday, May 29th-Sunday, June 1st...
Winter Midge Fishing in Lakes
One of the most effective ways to fly fish a lake is with a strike indicator and suspending midge patterns. A midge is one of the only hatches that can occur 365 days a...
Spring 2025 Classes
Every spring, I teach fly fishing classes at AZ Fly Shop. This years dates are Friday, January 24th, Saturday, January 25th, Friday, February 21st, Sunday, February...
2024 Recap
2024 was a very successful year for Fly Fish Arizona and Beyond. I want to say a huge thanks to all of my friends and clients. Without you, I could not do the job that...
Induction into Game and Fish Hall of Fame
I was very honored when I received the call from Ty Gray, the director of Arizona Game and Fish, informing me that I would be the first fly fishing guide to be inducted...
Arizona High Country
Arizona has some beautiful fisheries. From small mountain streams, to trout lakes. Here is a look at some of the beautiful places we guide. While you're there, follow...
Some Days are Diamonds
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Cinda Howard (@flyfisharizona)
More Small Stream Tips
I often have anglers tell me that they are struggling to catch trout in small streams. There's a few things you can do to make your day more successful and this YouTube...
Resilience Rise of the Apache Trout
Last year, I was involved on a short film about the possible delisting of the beautiful Apache Trout. Last week (July 2024), they were officially delisted. This movie...
Small Fish Need Love, Too
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Cinda Howard (@flyfisharizona)
Three Tips for Small Stream Fishing
I am doing a series of "How to Fly Fish" videos and this is the first on small stream fishing. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when the next...
Salt River
The Salt River is just east of the Phoenix Metro area and is stocked weekly with trout. But, the most attractive thing about this river are the suckers and carp. Where...
YouTube Channel
One of my goals for 2024 is to increase followers to my YouTube channel. You will find educational videos along with fishing conditions, fish pictures, guided trips and...
Video with Robert Fields
Earlier in the year, I received a call from Robert Fields. He was hired by the Arizona Department of Tourism to do some videos to promote fly fishing in the White...
Learn to Fly Fish at AZ Fly Shop-Upcoming Classes
One of the many things I do in the off season, is offer fly fishing classes at AZ Fly Shop. They are intended to give the student basic skills needed with emphasis on...
Lake Fishing for Big Browns
Tis the season for big browns but I'm getting a lot of messages from friends and clients who are trying to find them and are struggling this year. I have not found a...
80/20 Rule
The 80/20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is the theory that 80% of all outcomes results from 20% of all causes. For example, 20% of all hunters kill 80% of...
Beast Mode
Some days when you hit the water, you get more than you expected. Landing a trout this size, requires skill and she did a great job! View this post on Instagram A post...
Intro to Fly Fishing 2-Day School
Intro to Fly Fishing 2-day School Location: X Diamond Ranch in the White Mountains Date: July 1st and 2nd Cost: $400 per person Looking for something fun to do on...
Intermediate Fly Fishing School
Looking to take your fly fishing to the next level? Intermediate Fly Fishing School April 1st and 2nd, just in time to start the fishing season off right! This...
Apache Trout
Arizona is home to two native trout species. They are the Gila and Apache Trout. While there are open areas to fish for Gila trout on the rim and in Oak Creek, there...
Pyramid Lake Trip
Every year, I host a trip to Pyramid Lake in Nevada. If you have ever dreamed of catching a prehistoric trout in an alkaline lake where the fish reach 20+ pounds, then...
I was just talking to a friend and he was asking about flourocarbon and if I think it is really worth the extra cost. We also talked about when to use flourocarbon...
On Wednesday, I was guiding J.J. from Tucson. He called a few of weeks ago and said that he has been fly fishing for a couple of years and wanted to work on improving...
Catching Big Brown Trout
It seems that everyone wants to catch a big brown but in Arizona, it is never an easy task. Have you noticed that we rarely see photos of big browns in the heat of the...
When we first get into the sport of fly fishing, we usually end up with a floating line. These work great for dry fly fishing, nymphing and midge fishing under an...
It was a normal morning that started off like every other guide trip. I was guiding Todd from Connecticut and picked him up at the Lazy Trout Motel at 7:30 am. We...
I have some catching up to do. It has been a very busy fall and summer and I found myself with very little time to blog. Since things are starting to slow down, I will...